You start your degree with the same energy as others in your batch, anticipating that your result will be very good. You put in the effort and hard work, in accordance with your definition of it, and you get your first result in the very first sessional exam; the result isn’t what you anticipated – worry not, this happens to be a common situation.


What follows this is the beginning of what you may call ‘A Game Changer’

What do I mean by this?

In my opinion, your performance in exams is a reflection of not only the preparation but also your will power, the state of your mind, and eventually, the level of your self-confidence. The degree had started with all enthusiastic minds, with high hopes. However, the change of game starts to take place when you, with the very first result, presume that your ability to outperform others cannot go any further and that you tried your best; and let me tell you, in most cases, you have not. Here, some students would leave the arena – raising both their hands – giving up, while others do the same in the second, third, fourth, and the following semesters, narrowing down the pool of competitors for those who work the best toward their goal of performing well.

The Definition of Good Performance

You may have thought that the content coming up is going to define what a good performance is. No, it’s not the case, and I am not going to define it.
In fact, the definition of a good performance in a broad perspective is determined by the student, depending upon their goals.

What does that mean?

For instance, if your immediate goal is to land a job at a certain company, the ideal definition of good performance for you could be to maintain a GPA of 3.0 or above, as well as to brush-up your practical skills through online courses, competitions. If you’re already doing that, at a slightly advanced level, it could be to do some extra projects (in addition to maintaining a decent GPA). At this point, if you’re still confused between job after BS or a Master’s degree, find out your answer in Why a Foreign Master’s Degree is Worth-It

On the other hand, if your immediate goal is to complete a higher degree after your bachelor’s degree, the definition of good performance could be to maintain a GPA of 3.3 as well as building a research portfolio. BUT, NOT TO FORGET, THIS IS THE IDEAL DESIRABLE SCENARIO, and if you find it difficult, it’s okay to just keep working toward your targets. You may also wish to read General MS Scenario in Different Countries, if you haven’t already


  • The key is to remain CONSISTENT with your effort. If it doesn’t pay back in one form, convince yourself to expect the outcome in some other form. But alongside, there also exists a need to identify your weaknesses and the strengths of your competitors. If you do not take corrective actions, you might be rowing your boat against the flow of the stream for your entire degree. Again, some people would take time to identify and correct their actions, but some would simply give-up doing it, which is what creates the difference.
  • Keep asking yourself and your seniors, mentors the questions of Why, What, and How.

Why should I pursue this goal? What resources to utilize? How to work toward a certain target?

As long as you keep yourself challenged and are accountable to yourself, you won’t lose the purpose. The moment you start to enjoy the leisure and forget to get back to a productive routine, your progress halts, and it only gets worse with time. So, if you realize at any point that you’re not doing enough, just do not procrastinate any further.


If you do not find this blog relevant to you, or you are struggling with your performance and you’re worried about your GPA, read Is ‘GPA Doesn’t Matter’ a Myth? When Does GPA Matter? to find your answers

What is FAQ Blog Series?

I wanted to give the information I received from my seniors and the lessons learned from my experiences to the juniors, hence started the FAQ Blog Series, where I shall be addressing the most commonly asked questions which I picked from the career guidance sessions carried out by the NUST Alumni Association in the past.

Source of Featured Image: Medium

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